AHA Hospital Statistics, 2018 Edition
The comprehensive reference source for analysis and comparison of hospital trends in utilization, personnel and finances in U.S. community hospitals for selected years from 1946 to 2015.
AHA Hospital Statistics, 2018 Edition
Data in the book includes:
- Five-year trends for community hospitals for 2011-2016 by total U.S., bed size, U.S. Census division, and state.
- Facilities and services by U.S. Census division and state for 2016.
- Community health indicators by U.S. Census division and metropolitan statistical area with 2016 fiscal year hospital data.
AHA Hospital Statistics is an indispensable reference for research and strategic planning firms, consulting and finance firms, academic organizations and hospitals for comparative marketplace analysis and trend analysis and research.
If you are a member of the AHA, contact support@aha.org or the AHA Resource Center at (312) 422-2050 to request an electronic copy of the publication.
To purchase the PDF or Excel versions of AHA Hospital Statistics, please visit www.ahadataviewer.com. To order print copies of AHA Hospital Statistics, call (800) AHA-2626 or visit the AHA online store.
For further information or customized data and research, contact the AHA Resource Center at (312) 422-2050 or rc@aha.org.
© 2018 by Health Forum LLC, an affiliate of the American Hospital Association
Updated January 2018.