Magazine & Journal Articles
American Hospital Association magazine and journal articles.
Compared to the pre-pandemic period, the trend in new postpartum mental health diagnoses increased significantly in the post-COVID-19 period (0.06 percentage points [95%CI 0.01, 0.11]). Findings point to an urgent need to improve screening and treatment pathways for perinatal individuals in…
The role of the physical environment in communication between health-care professionals and persons with communication problems is a neglected area. This study provides an overview of factors in the physical environment that play a role in communication during conversations between people who are…
This article offers a much needed path to equity in healthcare. It amplifies the fact that measured data allows for dedicated improvements and changes to occur and engaging communities and obtaining their feedback and needs is integral to implementing effective, lasting change.
This essay was developed by Crossroads to assist Anti-Racism Teams confront internalized racist oppression and internalized racist superiority.
This resource provide simple practices that health professionals can incorporate to develop skills around speaking respectfully about disability.
This article covers implicit bias on a basic level, noting its role in policies and patient care while beginning to look at ways to reduce implict bias.
This article presents challenges and offer recommendations for facilitating the process of eliminating health disparities and achieving health equity across diverse populations.
This tool provides in overview of how can you build a stronger board. According to Leading with Intent, racial diversity on nonprofit boards is lacking. Download this document to learn: how the composition of nonprofit boards compares to the country as a whole ways to better connect to the…
This article presents challenges and offer recommendations for facilitating the process of eliminating health disparities and achieving health equity across diverse populations.
In this article, diversity, equity and inclusion consultants Stephen Graves and Alex Bethel share insights on how White healthcare professionals can move beyond White fragility and harness their racial privilege to create health equity.