AHA Education & Events

Educational offerings and in-person and virtual events from the American Hospital Association.

UT Southwestern Medical Center created a simulation-based curriculum, grounded in TeamSTEPPS, to teach incoming medical trainees critical teamwork and communication skills early in their training. Learn how to design and implement a structured training program that equips new medical trainees with…
Answers to frequenly asked questions for the AHA Next Generation Leaders Fellowship are provided along with The John A. Hartford Foundation Age-Friendly Health Systems Cohort Scholarship.
If you are passionate about the future and see the potential that exists for quality improvement, and are willing to coach, guide and support emerging leaders, join this virtual information session to learn about becoming a mentor for the AHA Next Generation Leaders Fellowship.
Join this virtual information session and Q&A to get all your fellowship questions answered before the application deadline on March 31, 2025. We'll cover program details, Age-Friendly scholarship opportunities, admission criteria and more! Current fellows and alumni will also be available to…
We recommend gathering the required materials in advance and drafting your responses separately then copy-pasting them into the application form when you’re ready to apply.
The 12-month AHA Next Generation Leaders Fellowship will be bookended with in-person meetings. The majority of the program takes place virtually through inquiry-based modules, discussions and web meetings with faculty and mentors representing diverse expertise and leadership positions.
2023-2024 Next Gen Fellows SEO: Developing health care leaders through virtual learnings and the execution of a capstone project.
Health care workers need ongoing training to keep up to date with rapid changes in health care and technology. The AHA Center for Health Innovation offers learning opportunities -- both individualized and collaborative, that reflect the current environment and anticipate the future.