Association for Community Health Improvement (ACHI)
Find content about AHA's Association for Community Health Improvement, which aims to advance healthy communities by providing members with education, professional development, resources and engagement opportunities in the fields of community health, population health and community benefit.
Community Health Improvement Week 2024 is June 10–14, a time to highlight hospitals and community organizations working together to enhance health and well-being and advance health equity.
Hospital Community Collaborative program components, videos and resources about key concepts, best practices and features participants have access to.
The AHA June 13 released an infographic highlighting the many ways hospitals and health systems advance health and support their communities.
Learn how your organization can celebrate Community Health Improvement Week (CHI Week) by spreading the word, posting on social media and more.
One priority for hospitals and health systems is advancing diversity, equity and inclusion. The AHA’s next gathering, the Accelerating Health Equity Conference, May 10–12 in Cleveland, will focus on that topic.
Archive, CHIWeek 2022, was a time to recognize & honor those working in partnership to improve the health and well-being of individuals & communities.
Community Health Improvement 2021, a time to celebrate & honor those working in partnership to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities.
The COVID-19 pandemic illuminated health disparities, and the renewed calls for social justice and dismantling structural racism have moved front and center to our community health improvement work.
COVID-19. Never have our communities been faced with such a challenge, bringing to light the full spectrum of heartache and resiliency. From the chronic stress to the sense of community that comes with a shared traumatic event, our public health infrastructure stood strong and showed us that we…
As the global pandemic recedes, hospitals, health systems and community-based organizations must continue to align strategies and tactics and accelerate the shared work on ensuring health equity and creating communities that contribute to vitality for all.