
The American Hospital Association offers these resources for addressing health care workforce issues for leaders of hospitals and health systems.

U.S. Supreme Court \(No. 09-837\) Re: Student Exemption from FICA tax
Amici Brief submitted by the AHA and ASHHRA in support of the respondent employer - Case 30-CA-17185
The Department of Labor \(DOL\) in the May 20 Federal Register published a final rule implementing the requirement of Executive Order 13496 \(E.O. 13496\) for federal contractors and subcontractors to post notices informing employees of their rights under federal labor laws.
This guide communicates the idea that workforce and human resource practices can positively impact the quality of hospitals and health care institutions.
Allied Hospital Association Workforce Liaisons Meeting Agenda Presentations Workfo
  A2 Workforce Liaisons Meeting Scottsdale, AZ September 25-26, 2008 Maryland Hospital Association Retention Initiative
Results of AHA Rapid Response Survey, August-September 2009
Chartpack: Teaching hospitals train future health care professionals, conduct medical research and fulfill a distinct and vital role in delivering patient care.
This Advisory and the attached chart contain a detailed look at the provisions of interest to hospitals in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act \(H.R. 1\). The House voted 246-183 this afternoon in favor of the bill and the Senate is expected to follow suit later today, clearing the way for…
Chartpack for the TrendWatch ")Impact of the Economic Downturn on Hospitals")