Strategic Planning
In this webinar, AHA Policy staff Shannon Wu, Tammy Love, Stephen Hughes, and Akin Demehin delved into the key provisions outlined in the FY 2025 Inpatient Prospective Payment System Proposed Rule. They explored topics, such as proposals concerning Medicare disproportionate share…
The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) on April 10th proposed a new mandatory bundled payment model called the Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM).
The recently released AHA-American Society for Health Care Engineering’s Health Care Leader’s Guide to Sustainability and Decarbonization spells out the sustainability challenge facing the field.
Leaders at Oliver Wyman’s health care consultancy have been busy studying what health care will look like in 2035 and reimagining what the field may look like roughly a decade from now.
America’s employers will evaluate their health plans, partnerships and vendors more closely this year as they try to create value, achieve higher quality and procure cost-effective services.
In this webinar, experts from Do Tank explore human-centered design tools and methods that help you understand your colleagues’ perspectives and create a clear sense of purpose for your team initiatives and projects. This is a great view for anyone wanting to improve their strategic planning and…
This PPT presentation is designed to share 2024 Environmental Scan insights with various stakeholders and your community.
Enterprise-wide population genomics programs are reshaping how health systems utilize genetic data by broadening access, digitizing data and accelerating genomic research to provide more targeted, personalized care to patients. Gain insights from case studies of leading health systems Renown Health…
For the past 125 years, the AHA has been a tireless advocate for the health care field, patients, and communities.
When I began my term as AHA board chair in January 2022, the health care field was evolving. Hospitals and health systems were focusing on the immediate needs of responding to the pandemic while also prioritizing vital work on long-term strategies to advance health.