AHA Stat Blog


by Maryjane Wurth
The AHA will be participating in a number of sessions across the coming days as part of the SXSW Interactive Festival’s Health and MedTech track – to share how hospitals and health systems are transforming to advance health in their communities.
by Brian Gragnolati
All around us, we see exciting examples of bold thinking and experimentation to better serve patients. Already, many of these new models and methods are achieving positive results.
by Richard J. (Rick) Pollack
Patients and their providers rely on these prescription drugs for treating injury and managing illness. Yet the drug companies and their shareholders have been treating America’s patients and providers like a piggybank.
by Lindsey Dunn Burgstahler
The AHA has partnered with The University of Chicago Booth School of Business to develop a new training opportunity for health care leaders, Building and Leading a Culture of Innovation. The course, which is offered in April and July, will help leaders uncover behaviors that inhibit innovation in their organizations, and develop a plan for unblocking them guided by best practices for change management.
Get the ball rolling today by starting a conversation with your board about your vision, role and purpose in the community.
by Rick Pollack
As a politically practical matter, we need to focus on finding consensus to improve the system we have rather than subject the nation to yet another polarizing debate on health care. 
by Jay Bhatt, D.O.
AHA Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President Jay Bhatt, D.O., shares information on a new resource from AHA’s Physician Alliance to help frontline staff and their leadership teams tackle the social determinants of health.
by Richard J. (Rick) Pollack
“Competition? It’s What the Doctor Ordered” paints an incomplete picture of how coordinated networks of care among hospitals and health systems affect health care delivery. Not only does it leave out many key facts on the benefits to patients and communities…it also attempts to draw broad conclusions based on limited and incomparable studies and data.
by Richard J. (Rick) Pollack
In this ever-changing world, there are fewer certainties than ever before: the health care field, the political landscape, and even the climate are transforming as I write. But, one thing that doesn’t change, and you can count on: The AHA Annual Membership Meeting is one of the best places to learn about the new trends shaping health care, hear about our field’s opportunities to impact public policy from the key players who are shaping it, and talk with your peers from across the country about how we can build a stronger health system for our patients, hospitals and communities.
by Melinda Hatton
Earlier this month AHA released a blog post that pointed out numerous flaws in a recent Health Affairs study on hospital and physician prices between 2007 and 2014. We asked the respected economics consulting firm Charles River Associates to take an even closer at why the study’s findings are flawed.
by Jay Bhatt
AHA’s Association for Community Health Improvement’s annual conference is a chance for health care leaders to shape population health and equity initiatives from the ground up.
by Brian Gragnolati
In recent years, Airbnb, Uber and Netflix have changed the way we vacation, hail a ride and watch movies.
by Richard J. (Rick) Pollack
The last thing a patient should worry about in a health crisis is an unanticipated medical bill that unintentionally impacts their out-of-pocket costs … and undermines the trust and confidence that patients have in their caregivers.
by Tom Nickels
The authors of this Health Affairs study on hospital and physician prices use limited data to draw broad conclusions.
by Brian Gragnolati
We must act now – and together – to protect local access to high-quality, affordable care and empower rural hospitals to thrive as cornerstones of their communities for generations to come.
by Rick Pollack
The AHA’s goal is to improve the health care of every American, no matter where they live…big city, small town, frontier or somewhere in between.
by Brian Gragnolati
Health care affordability is a key issue for consumers, hospitals and health systems. While health care leaders have been tackling the issue head on – redesigning care and implementing operational efficiencies – solving this complex challenge will require us all to think differently and more collaboratively.
by Rick Pollack
America’s patients deserve the best care in the world, and America’s national hospital associations are united in calling for accelerated interoperability to make that happen. 
by Rick Pollack
Last week, I shared a few areas where we can advance health in America this year, even in a divided Congress. Number one on that list: reining in the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs.
by Sean Marotta
AHA outside counsel Sean Marotta shares insight from yesterday’s oral arguments before the Supreme Court in a case about when the Department of Health and Human Services must give public notice and accept and respond to comments on its proposed policies.