Bundled Payments
AHA Learning in Action Series
A series of webinar recordings and issue briefs on overcoming implementation challenges with bundled payments or episodic care programs.
Bundled payments have emerged as a reimbursement method that supports efforts to redesign health care and improve outcomes for specific patient populations and clinical episodes of care. They offer financial incentives for providers to work with each other and patients to deliver well-coordinated care. Yet navigating how to use data to drive strategies, identifying and engaging new partners, employing systemic action and measuring success can seem overwhelming.
The AHA Center for Health Innovation hosted the Bundled Payments: Learning in Action Series to offer information, strategies and examples for overcoming implementation challenges. This webinar series provided participants with market intelligence, core strategies and leading practices to approach the design of bundled payment or episodic programs.
Access and explore additional American Hospital Association resources on bundled payments and other current and emerging payment models on the topic webpages.
Action Series
Each resource will include both the webinar replay and issue brief is available .
Market Trends in Bundled Payments
Covers core aspects of bundled payment programs, including goals, program types, design, trends in participation and types of participating entities, and relevant stakeholders.
Using Data to Drive Intentional Action
Focuses on how to use data to drive strategies for bundled care redesign—a key starting point for success.
Identifying and Engaging in Partnerships for Care
Discusses how to identify, partner with and evaluate key care providers—with a focus on post-acute care facilities—in order to provide more coordinated care for patients enrolled in a bundled payment episode.
Implementing Strategies to Promote Value: Participating in Medicare APMs
Examines alternative payment models (APMs), one strategy for hospitals and health systems to promote value for patients and align internal and external stakeholders around improving affordability and patient outcomes.
Employing Systemic Action
Explores how to leverage bundled payment programs to review and redesign care processes at a system level in order to drive improved patient outcomes.
Measuring Success
Discusses how to set clear, internal key performance indicators and implement integrated information systems to support care coordination, track outcomes and proactively trigger intervention.