American Hospital Association (AHA) testimonies to the United States House of Representatives, the United States Senate, and other government agencies.
The AHA is providing feedback on the Healthy Competition for Better Care Act (H.R. 3120) and the Transparent Telehealth Bills Act of 2024 (H.R. 9457).
The American Hospital Association shares the hospital field’s comments on health care costs and transparency before the Senate Special Committee on Aging.
Statementof theAmerican Hospital Associationfor theCommittee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensionsof theUnited States Senate“What Can Congress Do to End the Medical Debt Crisis in America?”July 11, 2024
American Hospital Associationfor theCommittee on Ways and MeansSubcommittee on Healthof theU.S. House of Representatives“Improving Value-Based Care for Patients and Providers”June 26, 2024
AHA provides feedback on the transition to value-based care before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health.
AHA statement before the HELP Committee on legislation to be considered at the committee’s executive session on May 23, 2024.
The AHA statement before the House Budget Committee on the ways hospital mergers and acquisitions can expand and preserve access to quality care.
AHA Statement to House Ways and Means Subcommittee on the financial and regulatory burdens facing physician practices.
AHA statement on policies to ensure rural patients continue to receive access to high-quality care.
AHA comments on legislative proposals that are to be considered before the Committee on Ways and Means on May 8.