Campbell County Health - Coal Workers Health Surveillance Program

In August 2014, Campbell County Health (CCH) became the first health care facility in Wyoming to be approved to provide chest X-rays for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Coal Workers Health Surveillance Program. The approval permits CCH to conduct radiographic exams under the NIOSH rule, which provides all U.S. coal workers with the opportunity to receive free, periodic respiratory testing. Coal mine operators are required to notify employees when they are eligible for testing.

What is it?

In August 2014, Campbell County Health (CCH) became the first health care facility in Wyoming to be approved to provide chest X-rays for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Coal Workers Health Surveillance Program. The approval permits CCH to conduct radiographic exams under the NIOSH rule, which provides all U.S. coal workers with the opportunity to receive free, periodic respiratory testing. Coal mine operators are required to notify employees when they are eligible for testing.

Who is it for?

Miners and contract workers at coal mines

Why do they do it?

Early detection, through use of chest X-rays and lung function tests, can help prevent serious coal mining-related lung disease.


Campbell County and the Powder River Basin are responsible for more than 40 percent of U.S. coal production, and major mining companies in the area directly employ more than 5,000 workers. As of October 2014, NIOSH testing at CCH had already begun.

Contact: Karen Clarke
Manager, Community Relations
Telephone: 307-688-1581


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