EASTAR Health System - Boo on the Flu
What is it?
Boo on the Flu is an annual drive-through clinic that has provided free flu shots every October for the past 20 years. Shots are administered in a local park on a first-come, first-served basis. Participants can stay in their cars for convenient vaccinations. The health system partners with Muskogee Medical Foundation, Muskogee County Emergency Medical Services, EASTAR Health System Auxiliary and Muskogee Parks and Recreation for the event.
Who is it for?
The Muskogee community, especially those at risk for complications if they get the flu, including pregnant women, young children, the elderly and people with chronic health conditions
Why do they do it?
The program began in 1993 to encourage persons who would not normally get a flu shot to be able to receive one without charge.
In 2013, more than 1,100 flu shots were administered. Since the program’s inception, 20,000 shots have been given to the community.
Contact: Mike Gilpin
Director, Marketing
Telephone: 918-684-2593
Email: mike.gilpin@capellahealth.com