Fairbanks Memorial Hospital - Kids Don't Float Life Jacket Loaner Stations
What is it?
Through the Kids Don’t Float program, free life jackets are available for use at loaner stations located throughout Fairbanks and Alaska’s Interior. Each year, Safe Kids Fairbanks and Fairbanks Memorial Hospital order enough quantities to keep the stations supplied all summer. The goal of the program is to reduce the drowning fatality rate by increasing the use of life jackets and educating Alaska’s children about water safety.
Who is it for?
Infants, children and adults needing life jackets while in or around water
Why do they do it?
The drowning fatality rate in Alaska is 10 times the national average. More than 90 percent of victims did not wear a life jacket.
As of July 2013, there were 249 participating communities and 627 life jacket loaner stations throughout the state. To date, 24 Alaska children have survived a near-drowning due to the life jackets. Safe Kids USA has expanded the program nationwide.
Contact: Corlis Taylor
Manager, Education
Telephone: 907-458-5585
Email: corlis.taylor@bannerhealth.com