Fletcher Allen Health Care - Community Health Team
What is it?
The Community Health Team (CHT) is a multidisciplinary team that works with providers to improve health outcomes with free services to all patients. Team members include nurses, dietitians, a diabetes educator, social workers, substance abuse and tobacco cessation counselors, exercise/fitness professionals, community health workers and health coaches. The CHT uses several evidence-based approaches to help patients set realistic action plans to improve their health and achieve their goals.
Who is it for?
All community members, especially those living with – or at risk for – chronic conditions
Why do they do it?
Information often is not enough to motivate a patient with a chronic illness to make necessary modifications in diet, exercise and substance use. Providing free support services to these patients can be key to helping them change.
Among patients with diabetes-related issues, 65 percent decreased their A1C levels, 61.4 percent improved body mass index and 40 percent improved LDL cholesterol. Patients with nutrition or exercise issues demonstrated similar improvements.
Contact: Pam Farnham
CHT Manager
Telephone: 802-847-2394
Email: pam.farnham@vtmednet.org