Henry Ford Health System - Sew Up the Safety Net for Women and Children
What is it?
Sew Up the Safety Net for Women and Children connects a loose net of medical and social services, building a comprehensive system of care to improve the conditions that lead to infant survival. The program links at-risk women to safety net resources, facilitates health care equity provider training and establishes integrated digital and static media resources to promote good health prior to and during pregnancy.
Who is it for?
African-American women ages 18 to 34 in Detroit
Why do they do it?
Detroit’s infant mortality rate is among the highest nationally, and the disparities are gaping.
There have been zero infant deaths among the 364 pregnant participants; more than 1,000 women and families have been linked to safety net resources; 389 health care professionals have participated in health care equity workshops; and the social marketing campaign has had more than 7,000 website visits since July 2013.
Contact: Kimberlydawn Wisdom, M.D., M.S.
Senior Vice President, Community Health & Equity/Chief Wellness Officer
Telephone: 313-876-8408
Email: kwisdom1@hfhs.org