Labette Health - Summer Food Service
What is it?
Labette Health and the Rector Diabetes Education & Resource Center teamed up in 2014 to sponsor the Summer Food Service program, which has provided nutritious meals for local children for the past 15 years. The program served breakfast and lunch at four locations in the Parsons community and provided weekly lessons through the OrganWise Guys curriculum, teaching children healthy habits and the importance of nutrition in a fun and engaging manner. The program also offered “fun incentives” to encourage meal program participation, including passes to the Parsons pool.
Who is it for?
Parsons children, ages one to 18, who are eligible for free or reduced lunches
Why do they do it?
Families who receive food assistance programming do not receive funding during the summer break.
Over the 43-day summer break, the Summer Food Service program served 4,487 meals. Each day, 100 children on average were served meals.
Contact: Shellie Collins, R.N.
Director, Rector Diabetes Education & Resource Center
Telephone: 620-820-5230