Lee Health - We Care of Lee County

What is it?

We Care of Lee County is a non-profit human service and health care collaboration that helps uninsured residents gain access to specialty medical care. We Care staff coordinate services provided by private, licensed health care providers who donate appointments for a wide array of services. Lee Health is one of several community partners in the collaboration.

Who is it for?

Uninsured patients with a life-altering medical condition, who have income below 200 percent of the federal poverty level, are from 19 to 64 years of age and are not be eligible for any other government programs

Why do they do it?

With 15 percent of the Lee County population living below the poverty level, nearly 50,000 uninsured low-income adults are not eligible for Medicaid.


Patients receive access to health care they would otherwise not be able to afford. In 2013, 350 providers comprising 30 specialties provided $6.7 million in services at cost. All told, approximately 350 patients received 600 referrals to more than 2,160 appointments.

Contact: Bob Poff
Operations Program Director
The Salvation Army
Telephone: 239-278-1551, ext. 223
Email: bob.poff@uss.salvationarmy.org