St. Mary's Health Care System - Helmet Safety
What is it?
St. Mary’s Health Care System partners with the Athens Twilight Criterium Foundation to present programs to children on exercise, nutrition and helmet use. Bike racers make wearing helmets cool by sharing their experiences and enthusiasm. Nurses educate about brain injury, and a “melon drop” demonstrates the effectiveness of helmets. St. Mary’s also provides free helmets to the schools to distribute to children who need them.
Who is it for?
Third-graders and other students in a five-county area of Northeast Georgia
Why do they do it?
The goal is to encourage cycling while reducing the risk of accidents and brain injuries. The ThinkFirst Foundation estimates that helmet use can reduce the risk of head injuries by 85 percent.
Since its inception in 2009, the program has reached more than 11,000 children and has provided 4,580 free helmets. Teachers report that the program excites children about cycling and helmets, and that students who receive helmets are eager to use them.
Contact: Avery McLean
Director, Marketing & Public Relations
Telephone: 706-389-3895