Sutter Medical Center Sacramento - Serial Inebriate Program

The Serial Inebriate Program (SIP) is a court-ordered, 90-day, 10-bed treatment program for serial inebriates. Through this collaboration between Sutter Medical Center and several community partners, clients receive alcohol addiction counseling and are offered permanent housing through Sacramento Self Help Housing. Additionally, SIP clients are connected with primary and mental health services to help address their long-term medical needs.

What is it?

The Serial Inebriate Program (SIP) is a court-ordered, 90-day, 10-bed treatment program for serial inebriates. Through this collaboration between Sutter Medical Center and several community partners, clients receive alcohol addiction counseling and are offered permanent housing through Sacramento Self Help Housing. Additionally, SIP clients are connected with primary and mental health services to help address their long-term medical needs.

Who is it for?

Individuals who have been admitted to the Sacramento County Jail, local emergency departments or the Comprehensive Alcohol Treatment Center at least 25 times within the previous 12 months, and who pose a danger to themselves or others due to excessive alcohol consumption.

Why do they do it?

Oftentimes it is the same people who are transported to jail or the hospital multiple times in a month, and sometimes multiple times in one day.


In 2013, 13 individuals were served and 85 percent were placed in permanent housing. Arrest rates among these clients decreased by 86 percent following SIP intervention.

Contact: Kelly Brenk
Regional Community Benefits Coordinator
Telephone: 916-541-0519