CentraState Healthcare System - Teen Drug Prevention and Education
What is it?
CentraState’s Student Health Awareness Center (SHAC) has a seven-year history of providing drug-prevention and education events for students, school staff and parents. Through collaborations with other community organizations, programs have included educational events, classroom lessons and speaker presentations. In 2014, the SHAC provided in-class programming for “Life Skills Training,” a substance abuse-prevention program for students and parents. The focus for programs has remained on educating youth so they can make empowered decisions.
Who is it for?
Youth and teens, administration, staff and community members in Monmouth County area.
Why do they do it?
Youth abuse of prescription drugs and heroin is a growing problem in New Jersey.
A “Red Ribbon Day” educational event was provided to 150 children. More than 200 students and staff from 10 high schools participated in the SHAC’s Annual Teen Summits with speakers on various topics. “Life Skills Training” was provided to more than 200 students.
Contact: Maryellen Dykeman, R.N., M.S.N.
Manager, Community Wellness
Telephone: 732-637-6385
Email: mdykeman@centrastate.com