Christiana Care Health System - Helping the Homeless at St. Patrick's Center
What is it?
Christiana Care addresses the medical and social needs of Wilmington’s homeless population through a long-time partnership with St. Patrick’s Center, a community center in one of the city’s poorest neighborhoods. Three Wednesdays each month, Christiana Care volunteers prepare and serve bagged lunches for the homeless at the center. Several times each month, a Christiana Care nurse practitioner takes blood pressure readings and does wellness checks on-site. Social workers and a community educator regularly visit the center to help participants identify available services.
Who is it for?
Wilmington’s homeless population.
Why do they do it?
On cold winter nights, homeless people would arrive at Christiana Care’s Wilmington Hospital emergency department (ED) seeking assistance with shelter, food and clothing.
St. Pat’s is now able to provide vital social and medical support services to the homeless. Since Christiana Care teamed up with St. Pat’s, the number of people using the ED for social needs has dropped by 83 percent.
Contact: Rose Mili
Senior Manager, Communications & Marketing
Telephone: 302-327-3320