Ellsworth County Medical Center - CampMed
What is it?
Ellsworth County Medical Center annually hosts a one-day CampMed for students interested in health care careers. The event includes hands-on activities, job shadowing tracks, a college fair, scholarship competition and a grand finale that reenacts an emergency department scenario. Students pay $30 to cover the cost of a T-shirt or scrub top, lunch, snacks and prizes. Colleges participate by providing hands-on demonstrations and having booths. Volunteer judges determine the winning essays during the camp, and scholarships are awarded at the end of the day to the winners.
Who is it for?
Area high school students interested in health care careers.
Why do they do it?
CampMed was created by following the best practice of local hospitals staying strategically involved in local high schools to recruit future employees.
The camp helps students clarify which careers they want to pursue. In 2015, CampMed had 80 students from 22 high schools, 12 colleges, 10 hands-on centers, 10 job shadowing tracks, 55 health care careers and $2,500 awarded in scholarships.
Contact: Beth Vallier
Education/Communication/Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Telephone: 785-472-3111
Email: bvallier@ewmed.com