Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center - St. Bernadette Clinic
What is it?
Established in 1995 in collaboration with the Diocese of Lafayette and Our Lady of Lourdes, the St. Bernadette Clinic provides non-emergency, acute medical services to the homeless and the poor at no charge, including limited screening for early detection of cancer and limited dental services to low-income, uninsured and underinsured individuals living in Acadiana. The clinic coordinates services to provide chronic care, follow-up care of other illnesses and health care problems, dental care, eye care referrals, pharmacy referrals for medication assistance and resources for other needs. Open five days a week, the clinic is staffed by a nurse practitioner, a registered nurse, a medical assistant and volunteers.
Who is it for?
Homeless, sheltered and uninsured poor.
Why do they do it?
The clinic was created to meet needs identified in a community health assessment survey.
The clinic provides approximately 3,200 medical visits per year valued at $324,000 and 550 dental visits per year valued at $250,000.
Contact: Elisabeth Arnold
Associate Vice President, Marketing & Corporate Communications
Telephone: 337-470-2251
Email: elisabeth.arnold@lourdesrmc.com