West Kendall Baptist Hospital - The Healthy Hub
What is it?
The Healthy Hub is a one-stop screening and referral-to-care kiosk that arms residents with information about their health. Free to the public, the Hub operates in the hospital lobby five days a week. Visitors receive screenings including BMI, blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol levels, smoking, exercise and diet. They also take an assessment for a heart score and recommendations for lifestyle improvements. A nurse counsels those in need on lifestyle changes and, when indicated, makes referrals to primary care or non-clinical resources such as fitness programs.
Who is it for?
Western Miami-Dade County’s 300,000 residents.
Why do they do it?
The Healthy Hub was developed as part of Healthy West Kendall, a hospital initiative to create the healthiest community in Florida.
Since the Hub opened in October 2014, more than 4,000 people have taken the assessment, 54 percent of whom have had findings that require education or referral. About one-quarter of Hub users are referred to primary care. Additional Healthy Hubs are planned in 2016.
Contact: Javier Hernandez-Lichtl
Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: 786-467-2011
Email: javierh@baptisthealth.net