The MetroHealth System - Falls Prevention Awareness
What is it?
This evidence-based fall-prevention program helps older adults reduce their risk of falling by participating and engaging in Matter of Balance workshops and learning about safety hazards in the home.
Who is it for?
Individuals, mainly seniors, who have fallen or are at risk of falling.
Why do they do it?
Falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries for those 65 and older. As 10,000 people in the United States turn 65 every day, this issue is not shrinking. CDC reports that the death rate from falls among older adults has risen sharply over the past decade, and now one in three Americans ages 65 and over falls.
Studies show that balance, flexibility, and strength training not only improves mobility, but also reduces the risk of falling. Program leaders will facilitate the training of at least 12 self-identified community stakeholders and residents to champion the delivery of peer-led fall-prevention programs over the next 12 months.
Contact: Janet Montoya
Manager, Community Health Advocacy Initiative
Telephone: 216-778-1093