St. Jude Medical Center - Move More Eat Healthy Campaign

The Move More Eat Healthy Campaign is designed to implement policy, system and environment changes that will reduce obesity in low-income communities of North Orange County, California. The initiative seeks to make the healthy choice the easy choice by providing Fit Kid Centers in schools that lack physical education teachers, fitness centers in parks where residents lack access to exercise equipment, working with cities to adopt policies promoting wellness, strengthening school district wellness policies and practices, and working with community collaboratives to engage low-income residents in setting healthy lifestyle goals. Additional support is provided to create community gardens, bicycle paths and walking trails.

What is it?

The Move More Eat Healthy Campaign is designed to implement policy, system and environment changes that will reduce obesity in low-income communities of North Orange County, California. The initiative seeks to make the healthy choice the easy choice by providing Fit Kid Centers in schools that lack physical education teachers, fitness centers in parks where residents lack access to exercise equipment, working with cities to adopt policies promoting wellness, strengthening school district wellness policies and practices, and working with community collaboratives to engage low-income residents in setting healthy lifestyle goals. Additional support is provided to create community gardens, bicycle paths and walking trails.

Who is it for?

Residents – particularly children – in low-income communities in North Orange County.

Why do they do it?

Up to 72 percent of low-income persons in North Orange County are overweight or obese.


In target neighborhoods, 22 percent of schools had an increase in the percentage of 5th- and 7th-graders whose body composition is in the healthy fitness zone.

Contact: Barry Ross
Vice President, Healthy Communities
Telephone: 714-992-3996