Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital - Healthy Communities Partnership
What is it?
Healthy Communities Partnership (HCP) is a local health coalition serving Logan County and eastern Mason County, Illinois. The partnership brings together more than 50 community agencies and organizations to create the healthiest community in America. Its efforts are funded by the Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital Foundation. Efforts to address obesity in Logan County include the 5210 campaign (based on the 5210 Let’s Go! Campaign, originated by the Maine Youth Overweight Collaborative). HCP has produced a jingle, direct mail, billboards, posters and print ads to promote the 5210 message. The campaign has been used as themes at health fairs and local youth contests including a “healthy selfie” contest and a rock star video. Additionally, the CATCH program (Coordinated Approach to Child Health) focuses on creating a healthy school environment where the “healthy choice is the easy choice.” It has been implemented in more than 10 schools in the service area.
Who is it for?
Area school-age children.
Why do they do it?
In Logan County, more than 40 percent of adults are obese. To address the obesity rate, a variety of community programs have been funded by the ALMH Foundation. The 5210 obesity-prevention campaign encourages a daily lifestyle of at least 5 fruits and vegetables, no more than 2 hours of screen time, at least 1 hour of physical activity and 0 sugary sweetened beverages. The CATCH program is evidence based and has allowed HCP to partner with local schools to create healthy school environments that encourage healthy eating and promote moderate-to-vigorous activity in physical education classes.
The 5210 campaign has been introduced in every school in the county. More than 50 children participated in the 2016 “healthy selfie” contest, where they showed how they incorporate 5210 into their lifestyles. HCP has purchased the curriculum and physical education equipment for each participating school, committing more than $40,000. The CATCH program has reached more than 800 students, more than 100 staff, and student families throughout the county. Additional investments have been made, including activity nights, vegetable taste testings and classroom lessons. In the near future, the HCP will be breaking ground on a public walking trail to inspire a culture of health that values activity and physical fitness. For more information, click here.
Contact: Angela Stoltzenburg
Marketing and Community Partnerships Manager
Telephone: 217-605-5008
Email: stoltzenburg.angela@mhsil.com