Clinician Well-being

In this new "Safety Speaks" conversation, Michael Privitera, M.D., professor emeritus of psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center, discusses ways to ease the cognitive load that many physicians and caregivers face, and how simple steps can be implemented to make it easier to focus…
The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee March 12 passed AHA-supported  legislation to reauthorize through 2029 the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act (H.R. 7153), which provides grants to help health care organizations offer behavioral health services for front-line…
In this discussion, Gaurava Agarwal, M.D., vice president and chief wellness executive at Northwestern Medicine and director of faculty wellness at Northwestern University, and Samantha Saggese, physician assistant of nephrology and hypertension at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, explain the…
When physicians, nurses and health care professionals experience extended periods of stress and burnout, they often feel as though they are letting down their patients, their families, and their colleagues. Moreover, they feel more challenged to care not just for their patients, but also themselves…
Hosted by the American Hospital Association in partnership with Oracle Cerner  Learn and share strategies on improving clinician well-being and how technology can play a critical role in supporting the clinical workforce. Join your hospital and health system executive peers for this virtual…
The AHA is proud to contribute to the work of the National Academy of Medicine Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience as we continue to develop resources to protect and optimize the well-being of current health care workers and future generations of clinicians. 
A National Academy of Medicine Action collaborative today released for public input a draft National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being.
President Biden today signed the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act (H.R. 1667), AHA-supported legislation that would authorize grants for programs that offer behavioral health services for front-line health care workers.
This webinar provides a data-driven look at caregiver well-being and retention, and shares insights on how to approach the challenges ahead. Leaders responsible for improving the well-being of caregivers will learn about key considerations for the health care environment and best-practices for…