Social Determinants of Health

A case study by the AHA's Community Health Improvement network highlights how Renown Health in Reno, Nev., used its community health assessment to address local needs and changing demographics amid a significant population increase.
The AHA’s Societal Factors that Influence Health Framework is designed to guide hospitals’ strategies to identify patients' social needs, the social drivers of health in their communities and the systemic causes that lead to health inequities so all stakeholders can take action around these…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Nov. 12 released a report on rural and urban disparities in care for Medicare beneficiaries. The report highlights differences in clinical care experiences, including how they vary by race and ethnicity, and historical trends in care quality for…
Collecting stories about innovative approaches and practices being used to address the environment as a driver of population health outcomes.
The TEP advises the Community Health and Environment initiative in its efforts to address climate as a social driver of health.
The in-person workshops provide attendees with the opportunity to generate relevant solutions for their work by engaging in interactive activities.
Background about why the initiative was founded, what it seeks to achieve, what it bases its work on and what its deliverables are.
AHA Trustee Services’ latest Boardroom Brief discusses how board members should know the societal factors that influence the health and well-being of the patients and communities their hospital or health system serves and how these factors are being addressed.
The Department of Health and Human Services is seeking written public comments on 12 proposed new objectives for its Healthy People 2030 initiative. The new objectives cover chronic kidney disease, educational and community-based programs, environmental health, hearing and other sensory or…
In observance of National Hispanic Heritage Month, this conversation focuses on how Chester County Hospital in Pennsylvania deployed bilingual volunteers to learn how to address disparate patient outcomes driven by barriers to care such as food insecurity and transportation issues within its…