AHA Knowledge Exchange
Gain insights from the C-suite and health care leaders on the most pressing issues: navigating a changing landscape; fostering a culture of innovation; building health care’s workforce of the future; accelerating the shift to digital transformation; and leading for equity and resolving disparities.
Health system leaders are building a robust governance and resilient operating model to transform health care delivery models for the future.
Optimizing hospital’s revenue cycle for efficient, patient-centered operations and
enhancing critical KPIs using AI and robotic process automation.
Empowering patient engagement and leveraging customized communication and education via digital technologies to improve health and reduce disparities.
As value-based care models grow, hospitals, providers and payers need to align goals and incentives to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs.
Transforming the behavioral health journey with strategic initiatives to build a sustainable and coordinated behavioral health services continuum.
Data-driven strategies to combat Medicaid managed care organization (MCO) denials and ensure quality health care delivery for Medicaid enrollees.
Strategies to address rise in nonoperating room anesthesia (NORA) cases and use anesthesiologists in lead role for patient screen and care redesign.
Health systems are increasing patients’ access to genomics for a more preventive and individualized approach to care.
Hospitals are assessing revenue-cycle management performance, employing best practices and using analytics and automation to ensure financial health.
Hospitals are strategically planning workforce needs and changing the culture of how contingent nurse staff are received and integrated into teams.