COVID-19: Telehealth and Virtual Care

A large, Mid-Atlantic healthcare system sought to improve patient outcomes, expand access to care, and optimize staffing resources with Hicuity Health
The AHA voices support of the CONNECT for Health Act of 2023 (S. 2016/H.R. 4189).
The AHA voices support of the CONNECT for Health Act of 2023 (S. 2016/H.R. 4189).
Telehealth Access for America, an AHA-supported campaign to protect patient access to critical telehealth services, urged Congress to make permanent certain Medicare telehealth flexibilities granted during the COVID-19 public health emergency and extended through 2024 by the Consolidated…
After reviewing a record 38,000 comments on proposed rules limiting telehealth prescriptions for buprenorphine and other controlled substances after the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Drug Enforcement Administration and Department of Health and Human Services “have decided to extend the…
HIPAA enforcement discretion implemented for the COVID-19 public health emergency will expire with the end of the PHE on May 11, but covered health care providers will have until Aug. 9 to comply with the HIPAA rules with respect to telehealth, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office…
The Department of Health and Human Services will launch this month a COVID-19 Home Test to Treat telehealth pilot program in Berks County, Pa. Program organizers will work this year with public health departments to expand the program to 100,000 people in vulnerable communities.
Many people during the pandemic lost trust and felt increasingly disconnected from other individuals, the media and the federal government. At the same time, there’s been an upswing in connections with employers, businesses and brands. This shift creates an opportunity for hospitals and health…
AHA supports allowing Medicare beneficiaries who seek treatment for mental health disorders to receive their care through audio-only services. AHA also supports removing the requirement for Medicare patients to receive an in-person visit prior to receiving mental health services through telehealth.