Content about the American Hospital Association, its business units and its activities.

Together, we have a chance to design coordinated systems of support for patients and their families – next-generation care that will build a nation of healthier communities.
Creating a government-run, Medicare-like option on the individual health insurance exchanges could negatively affect patient access to care and reduce hospital payments by nearly $800 billion over 10 years.
President Trump today submitted to Congress his budget request for fiscal year 2020.
The AHA Certification Center will launch an updated Certified Professional in Healthcare Risk Management Exam in January.
As more female physicians enter the workforce and face challenges that can lead to burnout, the AHA has joined with five medical organizations to bring together early- to mid-career female physicians for networking, mentorship and leadership training.
The AHA’s Health Research & Educational Trust, now part of the AHA Center for Health Innovation, recently received the Robert L. Wears Patient Safety Leadership Award.
The AHA is here to help hospitals and health systems build the future of health care delivery.  
U.S. News & World Report plans to incorporate certain data from the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Compare website and the AHA Annual Survey Database into its 2020-21 Best Hospitals for Rehabilitation rankings, and encourages IRFs and acute-care hospitals with inpatient rehabilitation units…
Hospitals and health systems understand the importance of making health care more affordable for everyone, and they “have been tackling the issue head on, taking steps to redesign care and implement operational efficiencies,” AHA said.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., today introduced the Medicare for All Act, legislation that would establish a national health insurance program to provide universal coverage to U.S. residents.