The 12-month Next Generation Leaders Fellowship will be bookended with in-person meetings beginning with the opening event in June 2025. The majority of the program will take place virtually through inquiry-based modules, discussions and web meetings with faculty and mentors representing diverse expertise and leadership positions.

After the instructional phase is complete, fellows will work one-on-one with their mentor to execute a capstone project specific to a challenge within their organization. The program will conclude at the AHA Leadership Summit in July 2026 where fellows will present their project solution to their peers, faculty and other conference attendees. If you’re interested in this opportunity, be sure to complete your application.

Onboarding | June 2025

Prior to the in-person kick-off, fellows will have access to the program’s digital platform and be matched with an experienced, senior health care leader.

Once on the platform, you will be invited to:

  • Set clear personal and professional developments goals for the program
  • Start chatting with other fellows
  • Learn more about your communication and leadership style

Kick-off Event | June 23 - 24, 2025

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AHA Chicago Office

Fellows will network with their peers and participate in design thinking exercises to explore a challenge that can be tackled at their organization.

Instruction and Project Planning Phase | July - December 2025

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Fellows can expect to:

  • Engage and develop relationships with their peers, faculty and mentors
  • Complete weekly modules (1-3 hours per week) through case studies, scenarios, readings and discussions
  • Participate in monthly live problem-solving sessions
  • Plan and scope their capstone project with mentor and peers

Fellows will expand their knowledge on the following topics:

Pillar 1: Leading & Effecting Change

  • Change Management
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Resilience

Pillar 2: Navigating the New Health Care Environment

  • Consumer Orientation
  • Disruption & New Market Entrants
  • Value-Based Care

Pillar 3: Driving Transformation

  • Championing Innovation
  • Virtual Care
  • Data, Analytics & AI

Pillar 4: Improving Care Delivery through Partnerships

  • Population Health
  • Health Equity
  • Age-Friendly Health Care Delivery

Pillar 5: Developing Operational Strategies for Success

  • Workforce & Staffing
  • Governance
  • Risk Management

Mid-Year Event | November 2025

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Fellows will come together in-person half-way through the program year to network with other fellows and participate in workshop like activities around their capstone project.

Project Execution Phase | January - July 2026

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Fellows will utilize the leadership skills acquired in the first half of the program to execute a capstone project specific to a challenge within their organization such as redesigning care delivery, improving quality and outcomes, managing risk and offering new payment models, implementing operational solutions and creating age-friendly health systems.

Fellows can expect to:

  • Continue to virtually meet regularly with their mentor and peers
  • Receive opportunities to participate in optional mentor site visits and in-person meet-ups, if possible

Closing Event | July 12 - 14, 2026

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AHA Leadership Summit in Denver

Fellows will present their final projects followed by a celebration and cohort closeout activities.



This is a competitive fellowship program for health care leaders who are accomplished in their careers and expected to rise to the top of their fields in the next five to ten years. They are leading (or on the verge of leading) transformation efforts at department, organization, enterprise and/or system levels. The program aims to select a cohort of leaders who bring diverse perspectives and experiences from a variety of settings: clinical, strategy and operational backgrounds with a strong foundation in quality, safety, affordability and are looking to expand skills to effect change at their organization. Up to 42 fellows, including 12 Age-Friendly Fellows, will be accepted into each fellowship class. Although applicants will be accepted from non AHA-member organizations, preference will be given to AHA member organization-employed applicants.

Program Investment

The Next Generation Leaders Fellowship tuition is $13,995. The price includes meals and materials provided during the program in-person events. The cost is not inclusive of flight, hotel and other travel fees.

Fellows are encouraged to go on a site visit to their mentor’s institution, but that will be left to the discretion of the fellow and their mentor. The tuition is not inclusive of costs incurred for travel and expenses related to a site visit.

Each year, there are a limited number of scholarships available for fellows who desire to design, test, and implement an age-friendly project using the 4Ms Framework. Scholarships cover the cost of tuition. Learn more about this opportunity.


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