TeamSTEPPS Master Training Course
Houston Methodist | Houston, TX | September 25-26, 2024
Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) is an evidence-based set of teamwork tools designed to optimize team function and improve patient safety. Our TeamSTEPPS Master Training course will teach participants all the TeamSTEPPS tools and principles - what they are, how to use them, and how to implement them. Participants will gain skills and resources for training and facilitating a TeamSTEPPS rollout to create meaningful and lasting culture change. This 2-day in-person course is led by an interprofessional faculty team with a "train-the-trainer" orientation utilizing games, scenarios and activities. This approach allows participants to experience and learn the TeamSTEPPS fundamental content, and provides established resources and skills to create training strategies and learning experiences. By the end of this course, all participants will be highly knowledgeable regarding TeamSTEPPS and the application of the tools and strategies they can use to improve the delivery of safe and efficient care within their unit, division or department. This course is taught by, and produces, Master Trainers.
Ready to become a Master Trainer?
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Benefits of our TeamSTEPPS Master Training course:
- Interprofessional faculty. Learn from your clinical and non-clinical colleagues who have been using and teaching TeamSTEPPS for years.
- Professional development. Build leadership skills needed to improve quality outcomes, workforce resilience and patient safety.
- Updated curriculum. Experience new design thinking activities that help translate big ideas into real-world solutions.
- Implementation plan. Finish with a suite of tools and skills to develop your training/rollout plan, along with actionable next steps.
- Tools and resources. Access the latest TeamSTEPPS resources and connect with fellow Master Trainers in our online community.
- Master Trainer certificate and CE credit. Receive a TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer certificate and digital badge along with continuing education credits.
This course is designed for participants to attend in teams. The curriculum is best suited for those with little to no previous TeamSTEPPS exposure who will be actively working on training and implementation in their organization.
The registration fee is $900 per person. For teams of 3 or more, we offer a team discount of $150 off each person's registration, dropping the price to $750 per person. To get the team discount, please complete online registration for all team members in a single session. The team discount will be automatically applied after the 3rd team member is added. If you would like to add team members, please email TeamTraining@aha.org to receive instructions.
The registration fee includes course materials both onsite and online, 13 continuing education credits through Joint Accreditation, four meals while onsite, and a TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer certificate and digital badge. Everyone is welcome to attend, however teams of 3-5 are strongly encouraged. This course is designed for teams to develop their TeamSTEPPS training programs. Attending as a team allows for more focused and productive discussion regarding implementation of the TeamSTEPPS tools and strategies at your organization.
If you registered for this course but can no longer attend, you may send a substitute or request a refund. View our substitutions, cancellations and refunds policy to learn more.