AHA Team Training regularly hosts no-cost webinars, featuring TeamSTEPPS and other team training, leadership and communication related topics.

Our webinars are generally held every second Wednesday of the month and the topics are as diverse as our presenters. We feature an interdisciplinary mix of experts from the field who are tackling real world challenges and sharing practical takeaways to help you move toward solutions. Register for upcoming webinars or complete our webinar speaker interest form to share your insights and innovations.

Access recordings and slides from our previous webinars


Upcoming webinars


Ready to Share Your Expertise?

Our webinars showcase an evergrowing array of engaging presenters, both clinical and non-clinical, with experience and insights from the field, for the field. If you're ready to share your innovative ideas and human-centered stories, let us know!

Fill out our speaker interest form and we'll email you with next steps.

I'm Interested
